Public Parking in Dubai Will Now be Free on Sunday

Usually, public parking in Dubai has a free parking area on Fridays. However, changes observed from the executive council resolution have stated that there will no longer be free public parking services on Friday. Rather it has been made official that their people will enjoy parking at no fee on Sunday. The decision was officially made on Monday, March 28th.

In addition, this emphasis suggests that public parking lots in Dubai will now be at a free cost on Sunday instead of its normal day, which was Friday. The case that made most of Dubai’s residents anticipate these changes is that it has resulted from moving to the nature of Monday to Friday working calendar days while obeying Saturday and Sunday to be the resting or weekend days as from January.

What are the public parking guidelines to follow?

It is good to understand that new changes made on parking lots of the new amendment to a resolution of free parking have explained that paid parking will often be collected between 8 am and 10 pm daily. This should be carried out throughout the week except for Sunday day and any other public holiday on the calendar of Dubai. It has also been noted that multi-storey parking facilities will be operating at a charging fee round the clock. This will always be for the entire week, in addition, there won’t be a free parking day on multi-storey parking facilities.

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It is important to know that the crown prince of Dubai and chairman of the executive council mean his highest, Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Who has been recognized to have offered updates concerning clause six of the executive council resolution? Therefore, this only affects public parking in Dubai, not the other six emirates. Eventually, vehicles are parked in public areas up to a maximum of about four hours continuously in the slots found alongside the road, and they should take 24 hours in the parking lots and 30 days in the multi-storey parking facilities.

How can you pay for public parking in Dubai?

It’s good to know that you can pay for parking through different methods in Dubai. One, you can decide to pay for your parking through the parking meter method that is commonly known as payment booths. Some use the credit card payment method, which is the most used method since it is easy and cheap. Then the other methods that you need to know also text message payment, RTA APP, the Prepared or rechargeable parking card, the seasonal parking card and lastly, the No1 card parking payment method.

What are the parking zones in Dubai?

In Dubai, parking lots are often conducted in different zones and have been categorized into zones. We have zone A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. there are also other parking zones specified in Dubai that you should know. Therefore, there are few other parking zones available, Dh10 per hour and Zone J, commonly known as Dh4 per hour. Both have some restrictions of a maximum of about three hours. In addition, you should understand that the parking fee charged for zones L and K often ranges from Dh2 per half hour to Dh32 for about 8 hours to 24 hours.

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However, it’s good to note that the maximum time of parking you can stay in zone K is only 24 hours. Also, zone I, J, and K are known to be open for parking from 8 am to 10 pm, whereby zone L has only been identified to perform its parking services for 24 hours.

What fine charges can you pay when you go against the parking laws and guidelines?

It is very important to note that you will be fined if you try not to pay for it or sometimes when you fail to renew your parking. For example, if a ticket is not displayed correctly on the dashboard, you will also be fined. It is good to know that there should be no parking tariff, or tickets are not visible. The following signifies when you go against parking guidelines, Dh100 for exceeding parking time and also exceeding the maximum parking hours.

Frequently Asked Questions of Public Parking in Dubai

Conclusion | Public Parking in Dubai

The article has explained various changes experienced by public parking guidelines and calendars in Dubai state. It is now known that public parking in Dubai, you will only be receiving free public parking offers on Sunday instead of Friday as it has been. It’s good to know this has resulted from interchanges from the working calendar that explain that individuals will be working from Monday to Friday and resting on Saturday and Sunday as weekend days of the week. Eventually, different commonly known parking zones are found in Dubai, starting from zone A to zone H. 

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