UAE’s Golden Visa regulations become effective next month

UAE’s Golden Visa regulations

There are various visa rules and permits that will come into effect next month in the United Arab Emirates. The new scheme will be beneficial for the expatriates living and working in the United Arab Emirates as well as visitors. Various schemes like the Golden Visa Scheme, the new five-year Green residency, a multiple-entry tourist visa, and job hunting permits will come into force next month.

The new scheme that is announced by the UAE cabinet will also make Emirates a more-friendly country for foreigners and the high-net-worth individuals who are looking forward to settling or having a long-term presence in the United Arab Emirates.

As per the rule of the Cabinet, the new scheme and regulation including entry and residence law will come to effect after 90 days from the date of announcement or publication in the official Gazette. The new executive regulation was announced in April.

Here is the list of new schemes that were announced in mid-April. Some of them will come into force next month and some of them have already come into effect. So, let’s have a look at various schemes introduced by the UAE’s Government.

Multi-entry tourist visa

The multi-entry tourist visa is a new scheme introduced by the United Arab Emirates. This scheme allows the tourist to stay up to 90 days in the United Arab Emirates and it can be extended for another 90 days. So, a person can stay up to 180 days on this multi-entry tourist visa. As per the rules and regulations, the applicant must have a bank balance of $4,000 or its equivalent in foreign currencies.

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Business Visa

If you are a business person or an entrepreneur, then you don’t require any sponsor. An investor can always apply for this Business Visa.

Visa to Visit a friend or a relative

A foreigner can apply for a visa if they have any friends or relatives in the United Arab Emirates. This visa does not require any sponsorship.

  • Temporary work visa-: If anyone has any temporary work in the United Arab Emirates, then you can just simply apply for a temporary work visa. But as per the rules and guidelines, the candidate must submit a temporary work letter or contract as proof.
  • Visa for Studies-: This visa is for students, who want to study or attend training and internship programs in the United Arab Emirates.
  • Family Visa-: Previously, the United Arab Emirates only permitted sponsors to sponsor children under 18 years. Now a new scheme added to it, which allows and permits male children till 25 years. Disabled children and unmarried daughters also get a special permit to live up to an indefinite time.
  • Job Visa-: This visa is available for job seekers or else if someone is doing a job in the United Arab Emirates.
  • Green Visa-: Green Visa allows a holder to live five years and to bring their families without any sponsor. This scheme is only applicable to skilled workers, self-employers and freelancers.
  • Golden Visa-: The Golden Visa will apply to a range of professional categories and to those investors who look forward to enjoying the country’s best quality for some time.

There is a list of Golden Visas for various categories.

  1. Real Estate -: A person has to invest the minimum amount of Dh2 million in real estate to be eligible to apply for a visa.
  2. Startup -: An Entrepreneur can also apply for a Golden visa. But the entrepreneur can only apply it under three categories and your startup must be registered in the country.
  3. Scientist-: A scientist is also eligible to apply for a Golden Visa in the United Arab Emirates. But there are some requirements like a recommendation letter from Emirates Science Council and a PhD or Master’s Degree from the top universities.
  4. Skilled Workers-: If you are applying for a Golden Visa then you must have a Bachelor’s degree with a contract of employment and a minimum salary of Dh 30,000
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